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Introducing Steel Healing...

Steel Smiling is proud to announce that we are changing the name of the “Black Mental Health Fund” program to “Steel Healing”! We are taking this step to recenter the true intentions of the program: for Black community members to have access to a variety of clinical and community-based healing pathways – that are both reflective of and considerate to the cultural factors of mental health and wellness.

It should also be noted that the Black Mental Health Fund itself isn’t going away! Those critical monies that Steel Smiling fundraises for every year (the Fund itself) will still be accessible to support residents through the Steel Healing program. Although a popular and useful aspect of our work, the financial support through the Fund is just one small piece of what Steel Smiling makes available to our community members. We also offer wellness navigation services, peer services in the form of individual check-ins and community support groups, and more.

In renaming Steel Healing, Steel Smiling hopes to emphasize the many different types of resources, supports, and opportunities we make available for residents who are interested in taking good care of their mental health and wellness. While community members are determining how to best care for themselves, Steel Smiling aspires to serve as a “guide” or “way-finder” to shine a light on the many possible pathways towards wellness.

Check out our program page to learn more about the Steel Healing program, and details on the official reopening of the Fund.

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