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Our programming supports our mission of bridging the gap between Black people and mental health support through education, advocacy, and awareness.

Beams to Bridges

Beams to Bridges (BTB) provides 6 months of comprehensive mental health training and education to community members, grounded in: 

  • Self-care through education, self-exploration, healing and practice, and 

  • Community care through sharing experiences, group support, community conversations, and connections to mental health and wellness providers. 

Learn more about BTB

Steel Healing

Originally launched as the “Black Mental Health Fund” in 2020, Steel Healing was born in response to increased community demand for mental health services during the time of the COVID-19 pandemic and the collective outrage sparked by the murder of George Floyd.  Steel Healing has three official pillars: Wellness Navigation Services, The Black Mental Health Fund, and Peer Services.


Since March 2020, Steel Smiling has paid over $400,000 in treatment services for Black community members with no barriers or eligibility requirements other than identifying as Black, African American, and/or of the African Diaspora, and a desire to participate in treatment voluntarily.

Learn more about Steel Healing
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